The Rector, Select Vestry, staff, and volunteers are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children. Should you have a concern, suspicion or allegation regarding child welfare in the parish please contact a member of the parish panel.
Rev’d Brian Lacey 028 90 777 053
Mrs Clodagh Webb 028 90 860 488
Mr Philip Williamson 028 90 878 355
The duty social worker or local area manager may be contacted at the local Gateway Team at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust on 028 90 507 000 (from 9am till 5pm) or 028 95 049 999 (at all other times).
In emergency contact the local PSNI station by dialling 999.

If you are required to undergo a police check through AccessNI, please follow the instructions below:
- Download and print out the PIN NOTIFICATION AND ID VALIDATION FORM, which is available online at
(Copies of the form are also available at the back of St Peter’s or the Parish Office.) - Go to and select the option to “Apply online for an enhanced check through a registered body”.
- Follow the instructions online to either create an NI Direct account, or log in using your email and password if you have already set up an account. (To create an account, you will need your name, date of birth, street address, email address, and mobile number.)
- Enter 918066 as the PIN. This should bring up details for the Church of Ireland Board of Education, with Claire Geoghagan as the signatory.
- Complete the application form using your name, date of birth, gender, place of birth, National Insurance number, Driver’s License number (if you have one), Passport number (if you have one), nationality, telephone number, email address, organisation reference (which is “St Peter and St James, Belfast”), your home address, the approximate date when you moved into your current home address, and any previous addresses that you have lived at within the last five years.
- Choose how you would like your certificate to be delivered to you. If your AccessNI record is clear, then you will normally be sent the certificate in an email. Please therefore do not tick the box which says “If you need a paper certificate check the box below. Paper certificates take longer to deliver. (optional).” If your record is not clear, then you will only receive your certificate through the post. Choose the address to which you would like a paper certificate sent, even if you expect to receive a certificate by email.
- Complete the application by ticking “I confirm that I have read and understood the information above”, entering today’s date, and clicking “Confirm and proceed.”
- You must complete and sign the printed-out PIN NOTIFICATION AND ID VALIDATION FORM and return it to the Rector as soon as possible, along with three original ID DOCUMENTS which are specified on that form.
- The Rector must check the ID DOCUMENTS, and then sign the PIN NOTIFICATION AND ID VALIDATION FORM and then photocopy the original ID DOCUMENTS.
- The Rector sends the completed and signed PIN NOTIFICATION AND ID VALIDATION FORM along with the photocopies of the ID DOCUMENTS to Claire Geoghegan at the Board of Education. These must be received within nine weeks of the application being made online.
- The completed application will be lodged automatically and immediately to the online account of the Board of Education for processing. Within a few weeks, you will receive their certificate either online or by post.
- You must show the certificate to the Rector as soon as possible after receiving it. You keep the certificate, and no photocopy is to be kept by the Rector.
- The Rector must keep a record of your name, the date on which your certificate was shown to him, and whether or not there are any issues arising which need to be brought to the attention of the Safeguarding Trust Panel.
You can access more information and resources about Safeguarding Trust by clicking here.