The following historical records pertaining to St Peter’s are kept in the parish:
- Baptisms from 1896 until now.
- Vestrypersons from 1900 until now.
- Burials from 1964 until now.
- Confirmations from 1970 until now.
- Weddings from 2000 until now.
We do not hold any registers from the former St James’.
Please contact the Rector if you would like our records searched. The more specific you are about the names and dates that you are looking for, the more chance there will be of successfully finding the information you want.
There is a fee of £5 for all standard searches of registers held by the parish. If you would like to make your payment using PayPal, please click on the donate button below. Read here for more information on how Paypal works. Once you have made your payment, please email the Rector at quoting your paypal reference number, and he will arrange for the search to be carried out.
Other older records pertaining to St Peter’s, and all records pertaining to St James’, are stored in the Representative Church Body (RCB) Libraryin Dublin. The staff there should be contacted directly to carry out any searches in those records.