
We worship God together at 11am on Sundays and at 10:30am on Wednesdays.

Except during January, July, and August, we also have services at 10am on Sundays, and 6pm on the first Sunday of each month.

You are very welcome to join us! Click here for more information about our acts of worship.

Welcome to the Church of Ireland parish of St Peter & St James, Belfast.  Our centre of Christian worship and activities is St Peter’s Parish Church at the junction of the Antrim Road and North Circular Road in north Belfast.

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that through his his miracles, teaching, and example, he enriched the lives of the people who encountered him during his earthly life, two thousand years ago. Through his victory on the Cross over death and darkness, and through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, he gives us today the power and the authority to continue his mission.  As ordinary people who want to worship and serve God, we strive to learn more about him, to deepen our love for him, and to put our faith into practice by helping others.  This is our greatest challenge, and it is our greatest reward.  We warmly invite you to journey with us.

PRAYER REQUESTS: If you would like prayer for yourself or someone else, please click here.

NEW MEMBERS: If you have joined our congregation and would like your name added to our database, please click here.

For enquiries concerning worship, baptisms, weddings, funerals, or pastoral ministries, please contact:

Rev’d Brian Lacey

To hire the parish halls and for general enquiries, please contact:

Mrs Anne Cromie
Parish Administrator

If you would like to learn more about the Church of Ireland, then please also visit the websites of the Diocese of Connor, the Church of Ireland, and the Anglican Communion.

For information on how to request a search of our parish registers (baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc) please click here.

To read our Annual Reports for the last three years, please click here to visit the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.

To familiarise yourself with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies to the parish, please read our Data Privacy Notice.

If you are taking part in the “Mystery Worshipper” assessment of our church, then please click here for the questionnaire.